Room Dividers: Increase Your Home’s Potential

If you’ve just finished sending out invites to your garden party where guests will be welcomed via the croquet lawn with Bellinis and Vol-au-vents, then this feature isn’t for you.

(Try this one instead – it’s brilliant).

If you’re sat on the bed eating mashed potato while keeping one eye on the bath and the other on the cat that’s currently trying to jostle over your washing stand, then read on.

Space is expensive so having lots of it doesn’t come easily – especially when you live in the city. Compromise is key, but if the 12 bedroom mansion you originally imagined as your first house is actually a one room flat above the local dog groomers, then it’s difficult to know where to start.

How to organise your space

Having one room means organising your space – not only to make sure you don’t accidently toss bits of scrambled egg all over your pillows – but with each area assigned its own purpose, you’ll effectively have a selection of mini rooms without the price tag of a bigger home.

Start thinking about what you actually need so you can divide up your space – if having a place to work is essential, pop the Yoga Dojo on the back burner for now and plan in a study.

Take into account your doors, radiators, plugs, windows and kitchen space to create either two, three or four different living areas. Eating and sleeping are your main focus, then add in a communal space – for example a living area – and if there’s room, somewhere to drink coffee and stare at a computer screen.


If you find yourself in bed with your nose pressed up against the fridge door – you’ve done it wrong.

Direction is really important – not only in helping you de-clutter your home but for de-cluttering your mind, so think about what you will be looking at in each area.

Start with the kitchen and where you’re going to eat. Then think about the living area – rather than facing the two together, face the sofa away so that you’re looking at another part of the room.

The same goes with the bed – turn it so you’re facing a different section of the room, preferably with the pillows up against the wall.

When you’re done, you will have effectively divided up your room into different sections which all have their own individual purpose.

What are Room Dividers?


Understandably, it’s going to be tricky to create the illusion of rooms just by forcing furniture into the corners – you need something to split up each space to help define its purpose.

But before you start working on shoebox mountain, there’s an easier and much more flexible way of dividing up your space. Room dividers are beautiful screens which fold in and out, and can be just as easily stored away or tucked under the bed as they can be brought out and unleashed on your new and improved living areas.

Commonly thought of as the type of thing you step behind to maintain your modesty as you slip into a slinky night gown (or even just a hoodie and PJs), the room divider is perfect for maximising your home’s potential and stops different areas from merging.

By using room dividers, you can create designated spaces for each activity, while maintaining a light and airy feel.

How to use Room Dividers


To define a space, you need to make sure purposes don’t merge. If you’re eating, you should be facing into the kitchen. If you’re sat on the sofa, you need to be facing the TV, out the window or across to another sofa.

If you’re sat on the sofa and you’re facing into the kitchen, this is where you can employ a room divider.

Equally if you’re lying on the bed, facing into the living room, use a room divider as a simple barrier to help keep the spaces separate.

If a wooden or wicker divider is going to block the light, use a Japanese Style Room Divider or one that is partially filled.

Having friends round? Pull back the divider so you can chat as you cook and then re-employ to hide the washing up.

Place strategically around the room – behind or to the side of the sofa are good spots, to the side of the bed and also to the side of your work space – especially if you’re sat near the bed. Being reminded of work isn’t conducive to a good night’s sleep!

The benefits of having a Room Divider

You spend a lot of time in your home and you want to enjoy your space – no matter how big it is.

Having an open-plan flat can mean feeling a little cooped up in one space as you are always looking at the same perspective.

Divide up your space and use colours and rugs to add definition to each area. Accent with houseplants and cocoon yourself in your home as you make it a more defined and much happier place to be.

See the full range of Hartleys Room Dividers.